Here’s how you can help.
Facilitate Open Communication
Make sure you encourage open communication with your adolescent or teen about depression and anxiety. Ask about their emotional health. Check in with them frequently. If you notice that your teen starts missing school or is failing classes, for instance, try to find out what’s going on without becoming accusatory. Listen to your child and suspend judgment. This will make it easier for them to have an honest conversation about what they experiencing.
Reach Out to a Professional
It’s important for parents to know that the stakes are very high when mental health issues are
ignored. So, take what you see seriously. It’s better to be overly cautious than not react. If your adolescent or teen is showing many of the above signs of anxiety or depression, talk to their doctor about an evaluation. Don’t put it off.
A mental health assessment is the first step to determining if a child is experiencing depression. If the problem is a mental health issue separate from depression, an evaluation for depression will be the first step in getting the correct diagnosis.
Need more resources on helping your child or teen with anxiety or depression? Reach out to the Children’s Hope Alliance today for information on teenage mental health services.