Cheers for Baseball, & For All of Us
As the baseball season begins and athletes are beginning a new season, they are facing (excuse the pun) a whole new ballgame. Increased protective measures to maintain their health, limited access to practice, and no fans in the stands during games.
Without a crowd, there’s less energy for players to draw from as they face their competitors. That positive energy – the cheers, the whoops and hollers – give a boost to players and teams, enabling them to play their best.
I see a strong parallel to what each of us is facing right now (particularly children and adolescents). Those simple, social interactions with the people around us each day provide us with fuel. We thrive on the positive cheering – a friendly word of encouragement, a smile, a helpful hand. And it’s so powerful!
So today, cheer someone on. Give them some positive energy to pull them through a tough time, and everyone will come out a winner.Our weekly blog is written by CHA President and CEO Celeste Dominguez.