How Does It Work?
The day treatment program serves students of Iredell Statesville Schools ages 5 to 18, with the goal of helping them manage their behaviors so that they can return to a public school setting. The average length of treatment is 1-2 semesters. This program provides students with greater behavioral and therapeutic support by maintaining a balance between educational and therapeutic issues. The program is located at Pressly School in Statesville; the school provides age-appropriate curricula and teaching staff.
Parent participation in team meetings, classroom events, parent education and skill development opportunities are provided to offer support to the entire family.
For More Information
Referrals to the Day Treatment program are made by school staff and authorized by the child’s insurance company. Youth must meet Medicaid eligibility.

Success Stories
By the time she reached middle school, it was clear she needed help if she had any hope of graduating from high school one day.
Michelle’s Story